Every little boat needs a light on the shore to bring it home, or to keep it from crashing…
And the thing is, coaching isn’t therapy.
People mix them up all the time.
We start together from the understanding that you are creative, resourceful, and whole. Nothing broken in need of fixing.
But what would you like to accomplish that you just haven’t been able to? And I mean, anything.
That’s where we go to work.
Profoundly effective but not profoundly painful. In fact, we laugh a lot. But sometimes we cry.
Who I coach: private individuals, groups, couples, teams…
Any little “boat” that needs help in staying on course for its journey…
What would you like to accomplish that you just haven’t been able to? And I mean, anything.
Private individuals, groups, couples, teams.
You’ve got the power inside you already. And you’ve got the success. Let us show you where and how to grow it so others can see it too.
“As a power coach, Peaches has been excellent at helping me get out of my own way. There are layers to empowerment and stepping into the next version of ourselves. She has been unwavering in her commitment to bring me both the next real-deal heads-up moves for change alongside joy, fun and appreciation for the journey. It's this balanced approach of hers to move from the core of the manner with courage, curiosity, camaraderie and cheer that has brought us success.”
-Barbara Ann Michaels, Jester of the Peace