Teaching, Leading, and Mentoring

Lifelong teaching…
My wanting a “grown-up,” standing chalkboard at 6 years old was probably a hint. And then, at 7, when I would sit at the dining table for hours after dinner, teaching English to our caregiver aunt from Israel, hint number two.
Teaching became the focus of my undergraduate and graduate training.
From community colleges to four-year universities to senior citizens centers to hospitals to conferences to leadership training programs to breathwork seminars to Haitian journalists to international corporations — “teacher” is and always has been who I am.
And not even a stone’s throw away from teaching is coaching.
They are the same for me, as teaching is guiding and coaching is guiding.
Let us guide you to your next level.
Teaching & Mentoring

Curriculum Design
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“As a coaching colleague, Peaches has been my champion in being the best coach/consultant I can be. For me, a high-performance coach, it’s necessary to have the modeling of a colleague who can bring whomever she’s mentoring to see their own disempowering frameworks and ways of being that don’t work for their lives or their careers. Most important, Peaches expands people’s abilities to make a lasting difference for those they work with. Peaches pushes her people to be greater than they know themselves to be, to accomplish results that are unprecedented, sees what they can’t, and hears what’s not being said. She’s a straight-shooter and operates with immense love and respect for her people. I count myself blessed to have met and worked with Peaches.”
-Wendy F., Founder at FOLAU